Averi's Newsletter

  Happy Mother's Day plus more

Dear Cyberfriends,

I have successfully written my first blog!  Check it out by clicking here.  This blog talks about the possibility of upcoming earthquakes this month.

Vidya, my webmaster has installed a new Bulletin Board here, so please register and share your thoughts, feelings and concerns either on the Bulletin Board or create your own blog on my site.

Also, as Mother's Day is quickly approaching, check out the beautiful pieces of jewelry that I have available on my site.  Your Mother is sure to feel special wearing one of these wonderful energy gemstone pieces.  Remember, if you only have pets, you also have a mother in your home. 

For my awesome clients and wonderful Cyberfriends, I have a confidential code for you to receive a 10% savings on all jewelry purchased. Click Here.  I am receiving rave reviews on the remarkable energy people are experiencing and the accomplishments from those who have bought necklaces, bracelets and earrings.

After you finish reading the affirmations below, SHOP at WWW.AVERI.COM and let yourself feel the joy.

 Today's Original Affirmations:  

I am an anchor for the higher frequency vibrations of new consciousness and awareness.

Where I am is where I need to be.

To purify my heart, mind and soul, I repay my karmic debts by being fully and completely in the NOW. 

I am generous and consciously share my love, Light, wealth and gifts without conditions to those who are attracted to my energy field.  I am in the NOW and outflow with everlasting abundant affluence.

For more affirmations, click here

There are several great and timely messages in my previously sent newsletters, some with meditations and affirmations. My teachings are truly timeless and eternal, see for yourself.

My meditation MP3 downloads can be found in my store and can help your create your miracles.

For information about my readings and how, through my abilities to see the future, I can help you create your dreams and visions now, call my assistant, Kristin at 310 457-1165 or contact us here.

Please share this with your friends and loved ones!

You have my permission to post this on your site

Blessings of love, light, fulfillment and affluence,


TEL: 310/ 457-1165
FAX: 310/ 457-0993


Copyright © 1995-2009 Averi Torres      All Rights Reserved.

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