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My dearest Cyberfriends we are now entering the season of holy days, so many wonderful holidays, all filled with love and Light.

The Winter Solstice is 12/21, the shortest day of the year for those of us in the Northern Hemisphere. Some ancient peoples believed that Sun came to a stop on its path for an instant before reversing direction, and the stones of Stonehenge seem to have been carefully placed to face the winter sunset of the solstice, which actually means “sun stopping.”  This is the turn around point where the longest day of darkness gives way to the days ahead of growing light.

This moment of the year is significant in many religions. Many faiths mark the time when days get longer and nights get shorter by coming together into the light and warmth of community, with special foods, music, candles, decorations and gifts.

Dr. Maulana Karenga, a California State University Professor of Black Studies, in 1966 created Kwanzaa, 12/26 – 1/1, a seven-day winter celebration. He saw it as a way for African American families and communities to honor and strengthen the core values of their ancestral cultures. Dr. Karenga understood the value of ritual and ceremony growing more meaningful to people as the years went by and it was passed down through the generations.

Christmas celebrates the birth of Jesus 12/25, the central figure of Christianity and Hanukkah 12/1 – 12/9, are both holidays that have grown in meaning and significance over the millennia.  Hanukkah, which commemorates the miracle of the oil that burned for eight days and nights instead of just one in the Temple's menorah, a celebration thanking God for the miracles of Light created for our ancestors.

The holidays may have religious meaning, but their personal and emotional significance to many  is often even more important. The wonder of a bright star in the dark winter sky is part of the Christmas story, and light shining out of the darkness is a potent symbol for people of all faiths. Hanukkah is also called the “Festival of Lights.”

Getting the holiday decorations out can be like opening a time capsule of your own life, and illuminating a treasure chest. Annual celebrations really do become woven into our histories, and into the meaning of our lives.

Unpacking a rickety old menorah or scuffed-up Christmas star or bent pipe-cleaner candy canes might trigger memories of beloved friends or relatives now departed, or recall the excited little kids who are now adults with children of their own, or remind you of your own first holiday away from home. Your cherished heirlooms can be more valuable than gold, even if they’re all made of tinsel.

Whether you celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah, Diwali, Kwanzaa, or ancient Pagan rituals, these cyclical and often-repeated rituals free us from our self-conscious minds and allow us to be receptive and open to bliss and child-like glee. At times you may dislike what sometimes seems like an obligation to act or perform in a certain way at holiday times. Please remember that “going through the motions” is also a great way to describe dancing! It’s when we stop struggling with our critical brain and switch to “automatic” that our Spirit can really soar.


Thank you Spirit for your embrace we feel even in the gentle dark and under the stars. It is your Light that gives us life, helps us walk in confidence and grace and to learn the lessons that glimmer in the waters of the sea, radiate from the sands, and in all the living beauty of Your creation. Thank you for the strength to fight our greatest enemies: fear, ignorance and intolerance as we open our hearts to greater peace and Divine love..

Oh wondrous Spirit, thank you for hearing the prayers during this glorious Holiday Season that our hearts and souls have offered up with the rhythm of our heartbeats and our breathing. Thank you for helping us find the joy, power, and the Light that is within each of our souls, even on the darkest of days. We are always your children, your children of light and love, and we do indeed reflect your glory.

Thank you God/Goddess/all that is for bringing us to another Holiday Season. We once again honor you and commit to preserve the Light within us, to carry it forth to all of humanity in all we do, in all we say, in all we are … and so we let it be.


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Blessings for a beautiful holiday season.  I am sending each of you higher waves of divine love, light, peace and hope.

Malibu's Resident Psychic ®
Tel: 310/ 457-1165
Fax: 310/ 457-0993
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Website: https://www.averi.com

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