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Averi's Newsletter  

April 2011   

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The Energy of Renewal

By Averi Torres

Many spiritual traditions recognize the promise of Spring rebirth.  Both Easter and Passover observances are rich with the symbols of the Divine’s promise of deliverance and care for humankind, and the promise from Spirit of the earth’s renewal.  Yet now, as we approach 2012, we are facing a rebirth on a global scale never before seen.

TV, the Internet and other social media gives instant access to the news 24 hours a day.  Such technologies make us feel like we’re gripping a live wire, unable to let go, feeling with despair every terrible thing happening anywhere.  Over the past few weeks we have seen calamities unfolding in far-away places and I send my prayers to all who have been affected..

What you are seeing in the media is not what is transpiring at the deepest levels of your soul.

Your mission here on Earth is to love yourself and each other, recognize your strength and courage, and to share with others.  It is important to know you are all children of God/Goddess.  As we approach 2012, it has become crucial to now contribute to the global evolution which has already begun.

We must attune our own deepest resonance to the will of God/Goddess.  In challenging times we can be most helpful by staying grounded, keeping our vibrations high, and by making an effort to lift the collective vibration whenever it starts to drop. The most important thing for  all of us to remember is that we are ONE!

Many ancient practices have survived into the modern era because they are useful for your transformation.  “Spiritual Spring cleaning” is just such a concept.  You can now more easily release negative thoughts that have haunted you for much too long.  Yes, now, as the balance of light and dark shifts toward the light, it is time to leave the clutter of useless fears on the curb, regain your psychic clarity and focus, and clearly consciously visualize the world we are moving towards.

When you sweep away the dust that is settled around old mental habits, you make a clean space for all dimensions of your life to expand anew – you need to feel and know what resonates most deeply within you, and what is most meaningful for your life in our new world.

Why are you here?  What part of the puzzle are you?  We each are, you know.  What is your gift?  What do you love to do?  You are a piece of the puzzle, an important one!!  What will you give towards helping the consciousness evolution of our new world?

It is important to step away from your computer screen, turn off your TV, BlackBerry or iPhone. You need quiet and contemplation periods of time so you can tap into your heart, soul and passion, leading you to the  understanding of the new world you are birthing.  You need to hear the voice of your global soul within giving you guidance.

More so now than ever before, with so many souls in need of pure love, it is so important for each of you to keep your vibrations high.  We are now in the process of lifting the energy on the planet so we can be of genuine service and bring forth the world which is awakening in our innermost being.


  • I am a part of the new birth of human consciousness which is now underway.

  • I am integrating my multidimensional Self into my body to be able to fully accept the waves of  higher energies now being transmitted.

  • I now more clearly see who I am and what I have to contribute to the making of our new world and I joyously step forward!


Remember, if you feel lost or confused, I am here.  I am always happy to remind you of what you already know – that you are at the center of a vast twinkling miracle.  Matter of fact, that you are the miracle!!  Many paths stretch out before you, and they are all pointing to a happier, fulfilling, successful global life. If you need “a dose of Averi” to help you get back on track and restore your hope, please call my assistant Gaby at 310.457.3157 or e-mail me for additional information or to schedule an appointment.

Exquisite energy intention gemstone jewelry worn by Kate Hudson, Patti LaBelle, Jaime Fox, Kris Jenner, Avril Lavigne and Kenny Loggins and many other celebrities is offered on our site at Averi.com

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Select your piece of my incredible Energy Muse jewelry at www.averi.com

There are several great and timely messages in my prior newsletters, many with meditations and affirmations. My teachings have proven to be timeless and eternal. See foryourself. For additional affirmations, click here
My meditation MP3 downloads can be found in my store. People are raving over the results they achieve from my meditations.

Many blessings for a Happy Easter or a Happy Passover!  May your days be filled with Light, love and sacred energy from on high!

I am sending each of you waves of the highest divine love, light, peace, health and hope.

Love Always and Forever,


Malibu's Resident Psychic ®
Tel: 310/ 457-1165
Fax: 310/ 457-0993
E-mail Me.
Website: https://www.averi.com

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