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Averi's Newsletter  

Summer Solstice 2011   

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Summer Solstice/Birthday Meditation ~ join me!

By Averi Torres

This year, as always, I celebrate two days in June, one right after the other – first, the Summer Solstice on June 21st, the longest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere. And next, I celebrate my birthday on June 22nd.

Many traditions have special celebrations for the gift of light and Midsummer Solstice which also reminds us that midsummer marks the moment when the days start to get shorter. Take a moment on the longest day of the year to remember that your greatest security lies within your ability to accept change ~ celebrate that gift from Spirit along with the brilliant gift of light and sight.

The following day, June 22nd,  for my birthday, please join me as I meditate on health, wealth, peace and higher Divine love for the planet, and all who live upon it. I will begin at NOON PST on June 22nd this year  and welcome you if you would like to join me.  Last year thousands joined me and it was an amazing feeling for everyone.. the changes created are visible – I hope this year we can accomplish that plus more.  Please invite anyone you think would enjoy contributing their energy to this adventure.  The power just keeps increasing exponentially and globally.  This year I am deep within an awesome redwood forest (near Santa Cruz, CA) and will be meditating with the ancient energy and wisdom that flows here through me to you.

                                               AVERI’S BIRTHDAY MEDITATION

"Go to a peaceful spot where you’ll be undisturbed and uninterrupted for a few minutes.  Make yourself comfortable.  Eyes closed, releasing any tension in your body.  Envision yourself surrounded by white light, the light of God’s peace, harmony and protection.  Center yourself in your breathing now. Take a deep breath in through your nostrils. Slowly let it out through your heart. Take one more slow deep breath in and be conscious of your long exhalation. As you concentrate on your breathing, allow yourself to float away and flow into a deeper state of relaxation.

Every breath you are taking is a new beginning, feel the union of your Self with the Divine Force.  The breath is your conscious union with the Divine. Light and love expands as all who meditate together share energies. Together we are a lens, concentrating the light within us. It warms us and we radiate it back to the Earth and all its living things.

Whatever you want to create in your life, see it in your mind’s eye. As your breathing becomes slow and steady,  envision our world as you see it appearing in its’ beauty and peacefulness – see the gentle souls of those you love and others experiencing joy and happiness, including yourself.  See the darkness of hate, jealousy and hostility lifting off the planet to be purified and transformed.  

Know that as you create your highest global vision, you are opening yourself to the power that will let all who are open, realize it. You have unlimited possibilities for fulfillment, joy, love, good health, success, wealth and abundance. You are now contributing your gift to the shift of our new world to higher consciousness for all. I deeply love and bless each and everyone of you for experiencing and contributing to this transcendent moment with me.  I give thanks to  God/Goddess.. and so we let it be."


We are now moving into a new higher consciousness, greater cosmic awareness and taking appropriate action in our contribution as we approach 2012. We are creating the new world now, every day, and are birthing ourselves into the future ‒ those individuals who are open to the spirit of the Universe can learn to flow easily into the future. You will accept and trust what Spirit has in store for you, without fear, like fragrant petals floating gently downstream on the surface of the water.  Is that you?

The sun coming into the peak of its power at the Summer Solstice grants us tremendous blessings of renewal and highest potential. During this period, put aside fear of change and instead, embrace and celebrate your own resilience. Time to live mindfully and fearlessly in the present, allowing your spirituality to reverberates through your whole being, your communities, and yes, even the world! It is your acceptance of yourselves that increases our courage, that lets you unlock our powers of creation and your own brilliant emergence that will free you to create the financial, spiritual, physical and emotional freedom you need to meet your most cherished new world goals.

With blessings of Love, Light, Peace and Fulfillment,


Malibu's Resident Psychic ®
Tel: 310/ 457-1165
Fax: 310/ 457-0993
E-mail Me.
Website: https://www.averi.com

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