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Averi's Newsletter  

July 2011   

Monday, July 25, 2011

Change Flows Through Us

By Averi Torres

I hope you were able to join together with me and so many others last month (from 38 countries!), for a truly global extraordinary midsummer birthday meditation. Even if you weren’t able to be with us during those moments, I felt connected to you, and I am sure that the level of our mindfulness and concentration lifted the vibrations of all around the world who are open to Spirit (and even some who are not - lol).

The positive energies we send forth to the Universe and receive from each other are like glowing sparks illuminating our paths, part of the purely Divine Sparks of God, Him/Herself. We know that flames do not diminish when they spread, but grow stronger and more powerful. When our spirituality flows freely, it doesn’t just permeate our own beings – it strengthens, warms and heals the planet!

God is constant, but we mortals, like every other living thing in the world, are always in the process of changing and becoming. The substance of our own bodies is constantly being repaired and replaced by new molecules and new cells.  We are like clouds changing shape as they move across the sky.

Science’s understanding of our physical “selves” is changing, and its understanding of the real essence of a person ‒ that which we call the soul ‒ may finally be catching up to what you and I have known our whole lives, that the essence of our being, our spark is the gift that Spirit has given us, precious and golden.

“Time and the world do not stand still,” as President John F. Kennedy said, “Change is the law of Life, and those who look only to the past are certain to miss the future.” We are often uneasy in the gap between endings and new beginnings and may experience such points in our lives as crisis. But such pauses are filled with Spirit and the opportunity for meaningful spiritual change. I love the Leonard Cohen lyric in his song, Anthem: “There is a crack in everything. That's how the light gets in.” An unwelcome or difficult experience can actually shine the light that leads us to a more purposeful path.

Many of my high-performance clients and athletes talk about getting into the “zone” – it’s the feeling that comes when, after hours (maybe years) of training, they stop pushing themselves, forget their egos and self-criticism, and become the embodiment of skill and grace.  They become one with the Divine.

The dictionary defines “grace” as “seemingly effortless beauty or charm of movement,” but also as “a virtue coming from God.” When we stop struggling with fear and self-sabotage, we are like trained swimmers who have been taught how to escape a rip tide. Such a current will not pull you under water; it will only pull you away from the shore.

By putting aside fear and swimming in the direction of change’s current, we combine its irresistible power with the power that God/Goddess has given us as our own, to reach safety.

 When we are in the spiritual zone, we go far beyond effort into our deepest, most essential power, and find ourselves with the strength to deal with whatever changes and challenges the future brings.


  • I rejoice in the love I encounter and share daily as I am now open to change, growth and evolution.

  • I am a person of destiny and know that as I have opened myself joyfully to change, I am on my way to an extraordinary life, giving the gifts I was born to share for a better world for all people, animals and the earth.

  • I am aligned with my deepest intentions to manifest patterns of perfection for the new earth by moving into harmony, balance, compassion, tolerance, forgiveness, gratitude and love.  I let go and let the essence of God flow through me.

  • I am now allowing change to flow through me with ease and no resistance as I have changed how I see things and now things have literally changed.  I am so happy and very grateful.

It’s good to remember that the most important things are not what we already know, but what our passions and beliefs give us the ability to discover ‒ about the God of your understanding,  the world, the future, ourselves and our destinies we are creating.

Stop the struggle!  I am on this planet to help you in all ways, in all areas.  I can coach/guide you to greatness and happiness, giving support during the earth changes coming in 2012.  If you so desire, please call 310.457.3157 for more information on what I can do for you personally and professionally.


Exquisite energy intention gemstone jewelry worn by Kate Hudson, Patti LaBelle, Jaime Fox, Kris Jenner, Avril Lavigne and Kenny Loggins and many other celebrities is offered on our site at Averi.com

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  • Achieve balance
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  • Connect to spirituality & faith

Select your piece of my incredible Energy Muse jewelry at www.averi.com

There are several great and timely messages in my prior newsletters, many with meditations and affirmations. My teachings have proven to be timeless and eternal. See foryourself. For additional affirmations, click here
My meditation MP3 downloads can be found in my store. People are raving over the results they achieve from my meditations.

My blessings and love to all of you my dear special souls!

I am sending each of you waves of the highest divine love, light, peace, health, abundance and joy.

Love Always and Forever,


Malibu's Resident Psychic ®
Tel: 310/ 457-1165
Fax: 310/ 457-0993
E-mail Me.
Website: https://www.averi.com

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