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Averi's Newsletter  

October 2011   

October 21, 2011

A Time of Ripeness

By Averi Torres

We all have an aura that is invisible but real, and it is part of the aura of our Mother the Earth. The spirit that courses through all we experience and perceive flows through us and connects us to each other, all living things and to the Universe. Feng Shui is an ancient practice that emphasizes the importance of design in creating indoor living and working spaces to enhance the flow of life energy and optimize health, wealth, and happiness. Feng Shui may help clear channels that have been accidentally blocked in built environments, life energy is all around us wherever we are, indoors and out. And outdoors, especially in places away from the noise of "civilization," we can all feel connected to the gift of Nature’s freely flowing energy. 

In the Northern Hemisphere autumn is a wonderful buzzing time of year, and in the countryside it sometimes feels as though the air itself is ripe and filled to bursting. This is the season of rich colors ‒ sunsets can be glorious and rosy, and in the northern woods of my childhood, the maples and sumacs are blazing with russet and glowing red. In many places the bright leaves of poplar and elder trees shimmer like gold coins in the autumn breezes. We sometimes forget that the beautiful colors shining forth in the fall were always there in the leaves, just hidden beneath the green of summer growth.

After intense growth, a different kind of change often takes place deep inside the organism – a ripening and sweetening ‒ that reveals a different kind of beauty. We all want to reach our full potential, but we may sometimes feel we have stopped growing. But the Universe is a living breathing miracle, and so many of its richest gifts come when they are ready to come, not when we are ready for them! It is important for us to always remember who we are and where we are in the world ‒ in a sacred space ‒ and to be open to the truly spirit-filled nature of even the most neglected or inhospitable corners of the physical world. It is important to learn how to trust what is and just be with it.

When we’re stressed, shallow breathing circulates carbon dioxide and other toxins through the bloodstream. We can understand our impatience for what it is. At the most profound level, the work of spirit continues as long as we breathe – it is a necessary and natural ripening, a gathering of strength and sweetness from our deepest essence. When inspiration ripples through the world, its heart grows unalterably stronger.

It is said that reverence enters the heart through the door of Inspiration, and as I have pointed out before, the word "inspiration" literally means the drawing in of Spirit or breath. A simple breathing technique is the deep cleansing breath: inhale through the nose and fill the lungs fully, hold the breath for a slow count of five and then exhale slowly through slightly-parted lips. Deep conscious breathing is an excellent way to attain a relaxed and calm state and to 'immunize' yourself against stress or anxiety.

Most importantly, be patient with your own maturing ‒ it is your own "ripening" at a pace your  soul and spirit have agreed upon. All the joy and beauty of our lives is at hand now, and our purpose is fully manifesting in this moment. Spirit is who we really are, our beauty beyond intention and beyond striving. Once we accept that our spiritual and sacred selves are inherently beautiful, glowing and alive, we manifest love-based feelings and spirit-activated thoughts, and all sorts of wonderful things are freed up to flow into our lives.



  • I allow the spirit of all living things to enter my heart, comfort and support me in becoming greater than I am.

  • I am manifesting my purpose with wisdom in the world now.

  • I confidently know and trust that when I am ready to evolve to the next dimension, it will be done.  I joyously welcome and can see this process which has already begun.

  • I am a co-creator and will always draw to myself that which I need to move ahead in my life as I become one with the will of Spirit.

It’s good to remember that the most important things are not what we already know, but what our passions and beliefs give us the ability to discover ‒ about the God of your understanding, the world, the future, ourselves and our destinies we are creating.

Stop the struggle! I am on this planet to help you in all ways, in all areas. I can coach/guide you to greatness and happiness, giving support during the earth changes coming in 2012. If you so desire, please call 310.457.3157 for more information on what I can do for you personally and professionally.

There are several great and timely messages in my prior newsletters, many with meditations and affirmations. My teachings have proven to be timeless and eternal. See foryourself. For additional affirmations, click here
My meditation MP3 downloads can be found in my store. People are raving over the results they achieve from my meditations.

And a final word from the late Steve Jobs: "Follow your heart and your intuition ‒ they truly know what you want to become."

My blessings and love to all of you my dear special souls!

I am sending each of you waves of the highest divine love, light, peace, health, abundance and joy.

Love Always and Forever,


Malibu's Resident Psychic ®
Tel: 310/ 457-1165
Fax: 310/ 457-0993
E-mail Me.
Website: https://www.averi.com

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