Averi's Newsletter  

March 2012   

March 8, 2012

The Riches of Spring

Spring—it’s such a great word and such a hopeful time! The Spring Equinox, March 20th is when the energies on the planet are intensified to support growth, a time for new beginnings. Every year at this time we have the chance to start anew. We can act in harmony with the planet’s cycles of energy to make the wise decisions that help us accomplish what we are setting out to do with greater ease or not.

The Vernal or Spring Equinox is a time when light and darkness are balanced, making this a powerful time to manifest on the physical plane whatever we hold in our “mind’s eye,”—our deepest longings, what’s in our hearts and souls. In the seasonal cycles, spring is a time for passion and desire. It is a wonderful time to let our dreams blossom.

It is important to tap into our inner guidance system to intuit what needs to be done in our lives. Intense energies are sent to Earth at this time to give us greater support, making our way easier when we act with wisdom. It is a great time for investments—whether in property,  a loving relationship, or in ourselves.

For some of us as children, the cartoon vision of Scrooge McDuck diving into his swimming pool full of jewels and gold was the first and most marvellous image of wealth and abundance we had ever seen. But what does a cartoon duck who doesn’t wear pants actually need, besides a few snappy jackets?

Beyond the world of comic books, money plays an incredibly powerful role in our own inner lives, too. Who doesn’t shudder a bit at the double meaning of the question, “What are you worth?” Humans sometimes confuse the quest for money with the quest for meaning. It impacts where we think we belong, how we get there, and who we spend time with—our whole sense of identity and sense of self-respect.

Understanding our relation to wealth and abundance can give us a powerful tool in the search for self-knowledge. Take a moment and write down what good fortune and prosperity mean to you. It is important to know what you are striving for—and to understand whether it will bring you the deep satisfaction, fulfillment and happiness you seek. To know what money is for and what it isn’t for is to know how to live. We all have real material needs, but is your business a way to avoid living consciously within yourself in the present moment? How would you live if you were swimming in money?

Regardless of the situation in which you may find yourself now, when you stay focused on Spirit, you will be spiritually and materially enriched far beyond that which you can imagine. Money is a human invention that lets us store energy—as a unit of exchange, it represents work we have done and can be traded for the work of others when we so choose. 

I am very much in favor of having more than enough money, to take care of your needs and the needs of those around you. But when you allow “stuff” to become your major focus or your identity, and when you love money so much it dominates your emotions and your humanity, it takes you away from your commitments to Spirit and your genuine purpose for being alive in this moment.  Money must never become your God!

I enjoy what money can do when used wisely, and that includes indulging in luxuries. As I have said before, giving with love, opens the faucet of opulent flow. When you have a generous spirit, Spirit itself will flood your mind with new ideas. Miserliness will turn off the flow, but generosity, prosperity and happiness are contagious, and will come back to you many times over, whether as money, or opportunities or good feelings!

Take a moment to envision your secret dream of abundance. Empty yourself of negative thoughts around this vision and don’t listen to your mind telling you it can’t happen. Don’t give in to any inner critical voice that says “What I want is not realistic, I don’t deserve a rich and abundant life or importantly, I am not worthy.”

You do deserve abundance, and have the power in this present moment to begin the most incredible spiritual journey of your life. You have a choice to reject the negative messages that fear throws at you. Instead, focus on the picture you have created and feel the deeply joyous feelings it brings to your soul. By doing so, you are creating the inner energy that will attract your dream to you. 

God/Goddess wants you to have all that is in your heart and soul ~ it’s up to you.  When you use your abundance to help others who are less fortunate, your wealth will grow and never empty.

Faith in your ability to manifest your dreams is essential to achieving them. The sky is the limit, since it is God/Goddess/Spirit who put this desire in your heart and soul. Don’t confine your wishes to what you "think" you should have. What you can conceive you can achieve! And do not worry about the details—instead of framing difficulties as obstacles, be confident that the challenges you may have to overcome are there to heal your karma and call up the best in you.

Averi’s Original Affirmations For You

  • With God’s help, I attune myself to life’s highest vibration to achieve my deepest desires.

  • Where my focus goes, my energy flows.

  • I attract all that is wonderful, rich, loving, kind and fulfilling into my life.

  • Thank you God/Goddess/all that is for healing any fears which prevent me from living a fulfilling, affluent, generous, creative and loving life in the now.

A mind that resides in Spirit realizes that we live in abundance.  There is more than enough for everyone! I feel so blessed to connect with all of you, and transmit blessings to you for bliss, fulfillment, affluence and love. Whatever we desire already exists in Spirit and we can channel that energy to the physical plane in the now, bringing it into physical reality. Let Spirit guide you to create tremendous wealth, love and happiness, and blessings to you for a glorious Spring Equinox on March 20th.     

Many Blessings & Forever Love,


Malibu's Resident Psychic ®
Tel: 310/ 457-1165
Fax: 310/ 457-0993
E-mail Me.
Website: https://www.averi.com

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