Dear Cyberfriends,

I hope your holidays were terrific and your New Year is off to a magnificent start. This year will be one of the most thrilling and challenging that we have all been through. YOU will make the difference this year so I am encouraging you to show the world who you are and what you can contribute to humanity... whether a big or small contribution, YOU are needed! This is the time for you to step up and shine.

My annual January 1, 2009 interview with "The Malibu Times" entitled "AVERI TORRES' 2009 PREDICTIONS AND PREMONITIONS" can be found on my site by clicking here. Or, if you prefer, you can cut and paste this url into your browser:

I would have sent this to you sooner but I was in the Redwood Forests and without cell or computer access. What I did do were incredible prayers and meditations for all my family and friends, clients and cyberfriends... and then, for the people of the world.

I am again looking forward to reading for you this year and to helping you follow through on your course to even greater success.

Blessings of love, light, fulfillment and affluence,


TEL: 310/ 457-1165
FAX: 310/ 457-0993


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