Averi's Newsletter  

June 2012   

June 18, 2012

Summer Afternoon

The Summer Solstice marks the longest day of the year. In the Northern Hemisphere this Solstice falls on June 21st, and with my birthday on June 22, this is one of my favorite times of the year. “Summer afternoon, summer afternoon – the two most beautiful words in the English language,” said author Henry James – and I agree! The words evoke both relaxation and energy, which may seem to be very different from each other, even opposites. But in fact, the profound state of relaxation brought about from meditation allows our purest natural energy to emerge, and with it, wisdom.

I love spending much of my birthday in prayer, meditation and with birthday cake ;-). I find nature soothing and healing, and the extraordinary energy close to the vast ocean or in mountains surrounded by the great breathing forest always magnifies the visions I receive.

On my birthday, JUNE 22, I welcome you to join me again as I meditate on peace, healing, love and prosperity for the planet, for my clients, family and all my friends. I invite you to join me starting at NOON PST this year and for as long as you like.

Midsummer is a turning point in the year and a perfect time to visualize whatever you desire to bring into your life; to open yourself to the power that will help you summon it and draw it to yourself. Move in the direction of what you want instead of away from what you may fear. When we stretch to our furthest limits from a place of light and joyfulness, and even risk going a bit beyond, we are creating space within ourselves for more light to enter.

Are you the person you want to be in the world? Are you following your own dream – or someone else’s? Are you trying to please a spouse, a parent or some other loved one? Have you been swayed by the culture that surrounds you? When we meditate, we are practicing the patience and stillness needed to hear our own inner voice, and the powerful energy of this longest day is an opportunity to renew or revise our path, to become more awake to our personal power and responsibility and to our innate spiritual wisdom.

Find a quiet private spot where you won’t be disturbed and sit yourself comfortably, with your shoulders relaxed and your backbone straight and grounded, so that the energy can flow. Relax your face and jaw muscles, close your eyes, and center yourself.  Become present!

“THE BREATH IS YOUR CONSCIOUS UNION WITH THE DIVINE FORCE.” As I have taught for many years.  Take a deep, luxurious breath through your nose, hold the breath to the count of four, and then, exhale through to the count of four through your nose. Allow your mind to enter a profoundly relaxed and peaceful state.

Repeat these slow breaths in and out until you feel focused only on your breathing are fully present in the now.

See the breath turning to White Light, breath it in through your body, slowly from head to toes and back up and exhale it out.  Now turn the light to pink, the vibration for love, breath in and run this pink light from your head to your toes and hold it within as long as you comfortably can.  Slowly exhale the light of love out to the universe.

If you have any distractions and worries, they now melt away like mist off a still lake, leaving the mind capable of greater focus, self-awareness, and creativity. Every breath becomes a new inspiration, and a new beginning.

Share the vibrations of loving-kindness that grow in intensity as our spirits join together in sweetness and love, and sense the unity of all who are connected to you, who are meditating and are instilled with Divine Power. Accept their blessings, and share your own blessings of love and healing energy. Be open to the flow of love and let love flow from you.

With the power of love, I accept the blessings of all who join in this meditation. Divine love flows to and through me and is sent forth into the world, raising my vibrations as it touches the hearts and souls of all I meet. I accept the healing power of the Light to shine love and forgiveness to me and all others, especially our beloved animals. Everything I do affects everything else -- In choosing love,

I change the future.

And so I let it be.

We all have untapped and unlimited possibilities for success and joy. Focusing on regret for past actions or worries about the future only robs the present of its happiness. In the healing light of the Summer Solstice, such shadowy fears can be dissolved and we can be fully present to be who  we really are! What is the most nurturing thing you can imagine doing for yourself? Risk doing that thing! Try it, you might like it ;-)

Dear Ones, I give thanks to God/Goddess/all that is for each of you, especially those who are experiencing these transcendent moments with me. May you be filled with the blessings of light, peace, prosperity, good health, love and fulfillment!

If you are interested in how my psychic readings will benefit you in so many ways, please call my assistant, Kristin at 310.457.3157 or E-mail Me.  Ask your soul to advise you if this is something you need at this time to break down the walls preventing you from achieving your very best and then some.  Be prepared for the new evolution starting now.

As I send you this newsletter, I am also sending you Light ~ dear ones, use it wisely.

Many Blessings & Forever Love,


Malibu's Resident Psychic ®
Tel: 310/ 457-1165
Fax: 310/ 457-0993
E-mail Me.
Website: https://www.averi.com

There are several great and timely messages in my prior newsletters, many with meditations and affirmations. My teachings have proven to be timeless and eternal. See for yourself. For additional affirmations, click here

My meditation MP3 downloads can be found in my store. People are raving over the results they achieve from my meditations.

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