Averi's Newsletter  

November 2013  

Voicing Our Thanks

We all have the potential for love, hope, joy and thanksgiving in our hearts every day, not just on Thanksgiving.  When we make the effort to find meaning and pleasure in little things and when we practice gratitude, we feel an overall sense of bliss, gladness and well-being.

When we teach ourselves to make a habit of noticing the things that go right in our day, the world rewards our efforts many times over with its riches. This is a habit that can have a measurably positive effect on our overall health, well-being and what we attract into our lives.

laughter-best-medicine-stree-free-smile1Research has also shown that both smiling and laughing strengthen the immune system and reduce the level of stress hormones circulating in our bodies (remember this during your Thanksgiving dinner with family lol).  Singing releases endorphins, the brain’s “feel good” chemicals, and reduces anxiety and depression levels while increasing psychological health.

 Researchers have noticed that adults laugh only 10 to 15 times a day, and sometimes even less, but that children, who haven’t learned to be “self”-conscious yet, can laugh 300 times a day or more (and they have no wrinkles or frown lines)!

More than 50 years ago Hannah Arendt wrote that “We are all the same, that is, human, in such a way that nobody is ever the same as anyone else who lived, lives, or will live.” She added that humanity is not a constant, but a continuum, and so it is impossible to know what we’re capable of creating at any moment or what our collective human potential can be until we move towards it.

I believe that each of us has not just the potential, but the duty to enrich humanity and add our own grace to the sum total of what it means to be human.

10 Ways to Raise Your VibrationsI deeply believe that God has also made it easy for us to fulfill this duty—Spirit has endowed each of us with our own unique voice and powers, each one unlike anything else that has ever before been heard or will be heard again on Earth. Our voices are shaped and flow from the deepest essence of our being. When we allow ourselves to express our positive energy—we are lifting the frequency and vibration of the people around us beyond their conscious understanding. We are giving them a gift that is both “selfless” and unique.

Our voices are holy, with a God-given power to wound or heal, to delight or dishearten, to curse or bless. Our words are our opportunity to give voice to our dreams and to send our intention into the world—especially when we use our heart and soul to send our prayers directly to God, when we make something or touch someone, or make ourselves heard in the world through speech or song or laughter. God loves us to express ourselves—and has given us the potential to speak our hearts and souls. We have all been gifted by Spirit with choices as well as voices, we each have the choice to honor our unique potential for grace and for thankfulness.

prayerThis Thanksgiving as you are about to eat whether by yourself, your pets or with others, speak aloud what you are grateful for, send out a prayer of thanks to God/Goddess/all that is for every wonder in your life – and don’t forget to thank Mother Earth for the food you are about to eat.

My prayers will include that I am grateful for all of you, for your love, for your loyalty, for your love and care of animals, for your determination to stay on the Spiritual path, for your intention to learn to be more loving, joyous and happy…for your intention to learn how to create in your life and your love and dedication to Spirit which lives deeply in your heart and soul!!

turkey.gif   Affirmations:   turkey.gif

I am clear, present in the now and give thanks to all the people and experiences
which I have had in this lifetime, all making me who I am today
and so I give thanks to God. .

I am aware of my own gifted power to heal, my intuition and use it wisely.

I am grounded in love and use my voice to breathe
my deepest, loving gifts onto the physical plane.

I am aware of my thoughts, my words and clearly aware of my intention to create.

There are several great and timely messages in my prior newsletters, many with meditations and affirmations. My teachings have proven to be timeless and eternal. See for yourself. For additional affirmations, click here

My meditation MP3 downloads can be found in my store. People are raving over the results they achieve from my meditations.

My blessings and love to all of you my dear special souls!

I am sending each of you waves of the highest divine love, light, peace, health, abundance and joy.


Malibu's Resident Psychic ®
Tel: 310/ 457-1165
Fax: 310/ 457-0993
E-mail Me.
Website: https://www.averi.com

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