Averi's Newsletter  

December 2014  

Our Spiritual Path

My dearest friends,

Blessings for a wonderfully blissful Christmas, Chanukah, Kwanza, all holidays of Light, Love, Peace and Harmony. This time of year is a great time for all of us to focus on gratitude and appreciation for the love, joy, good health and abundance that exists in our lives, to reflect on the love we have given and the love we have received, and to appreciate how far we have come in our spiritual journeys.

It is a blessing itself when we allow ourselves to appreciate the good things that we have in our lives and the role that we have played in creating them. We must never underestimate the power of appreciation and gratitude in our lives for the gifts we have been given by God. It's sometimes easier to focus on what we don't have or let our busy and distracted minds hurry through our days without noticing the gifts of Spirit that are everywhere, or to blame others for what is not working in our lives rather than open our souls to the limitless energy that surrounds us and dwells within us.

divineselfI know that it can be challenging to look inward and honor our divine selves, to understand and then live by the sacred principles that rule this world. But I also know that spiritual fitness is a lot like physical fitness – it may take a bit of an effort to train our hearts to always be open to God's gifts of grace, but the more energy we put into our spiritual lives, the more attuned we become to the presence of God within us, as well as manifested in all His Creation. We show the Universe that we are ready to accept its abundance by allowing our souls to be open to love, joy, health and plenty. And it is through challenging ourselves, even venturing just a bit beyond our comfort zone, that we learn the lessons we need for our souls' evolution in this lifetime.

For over 55 years, I have helped thousands who have sought out my psychic guidance, ability to see the future and powerful wisdom to enrich their careers and personal lives. Some professionals spend years perfecting the fine skill of their hands or the strength and gracefulness of their muscles, or take decades to hone their wits or expand their intellects. I have worked with my heart, soul and spirit on the practice of psychic attunement since 1960, when I first brought the field of metaphysics across the barrier from smoky dark, illegal backroom readings into the clear Light of day. In 1974 I published a solemn vow to use the powers and gifts with which Spirit endowed me to serve others. I wrote then, and have always known, that no wealth or position we can attain ever endures unless it is built upon truth, justice and deep respect for our fellow human beings, animals and planet. I have helped so many people around the world focus on the positive and to find their soul's purpose. You have believed in me because I have always believed in you, in God who is the source of my wisdom and the love and energy which has flowed through me..

meditationEXCITING NEWS!!!  My heart is so full as I write this... I am retiring, transitioning into my next vision - "retirement" is a funny word, isn't it? When it was first used centuries ago, it meant "the act of retreating" or "withdrawing into seclusion." I'm certainly NOT planning to do that!  I am however making changes! I'm hoping to plunge even deeper into spiritual practice and looking forward to the time to do longer meditations amongst other things – not withdrawing at all, but venturing deeper and wider.

I'll still be on Facebook and other social media, sharing and passing along wise counsel to my online community as Spirit guides me.  So many of the posts I now share are words I spoke during my teachings and readings from 1960 to present and now are beautifully presented by others along with magnificent photos/images. I am really enjoying being able to share those with you.  I love seeing so many wise souls showing up and sharing ;-)  Not all are wise and loving, so please use your intuition and trust yourself to know the difference.

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And don't forget to read the new postings at the top of my www.averi.com web page, "Averi's Cosmic Way".

richesflowSo much can be accomplished by remembering that the power to change your world is within you – and as you begin to clearly envision your heart's desire, that power will show itself in so many amazing ways. Channels previously blocked by fear and negative thoughts will open up, allowing life's riches to flow to you. We energize what we focus on, and when we focus on what is good and wonderful with gratitude in our lives, and when we share, we attract more of the same to us, magnified and multiplied.

I've been writing these newsletters almost every month since 1995 – that really is a very long time! Amazing how the ancient wisdom I've shared with you over all these years is still pertinent today, and survives as truth because it still has the power to teach every one of us, in every era and every generation.  So often, my message to you has been:

The Universe does not understand lack but will deliver it to you if you believe in it – we create abundance for ourselves by reaching for the stars!  You really and truly are the creator of your destiny!


You are energy and can not be created or destroyed but only change form – there is no death – your soul will live forever into infinity.  Treat it with care!


Be grateful, give thanks daily and trust the miracle that is your life.  Trust and treasure the Light within you personally and in the world.


Develop and trust the gift of intuition that you were born with (everyone has this)…what you do with it is your gift back to God!


You will always be given what you need at the perfect time.  Keep the faith.  That which is yours will always be yours, no one can take it from you!

I am in the process of setting up a few excellent referrals of reputable psychics who can help you if you have a need.  I would not leave you without support ;-)  Please just let me know via email, phone or from my site, www.Averi.com 

Also, I recently met and had a wonderful experience with an amazing astrologer for you: T.S.,(Ted), Phillips, professional astrologer for 20 years, located in Malibu, offers natal chart readings, individual forecasts, relationship compatibility, and much more! You may visit his site, www.AstroAdvisor.com or give him a call to schedule a reading at (310) 456-8777.  You will really love this guy, he is magical and the advanced knowledge he shares is important for your life choices.  Though the stars do not control you, it is always wise to work in harmony with their important transits.

As I create this transition, know that it is being done with love, respect, and gratitude in my heart and soul for your having given me the opportunity to connect with your hearts and souls all these years and for bringing more love, light and wisdom into your lives and our planet.  There are no words to express the depth of this feeling of love and appreciation I have for each and every one of you.  You will be with me forever in my heart, my prayers and meditations…and I will always be with you in spirit!

With forever love,


Malibu's Resident Psychic ®
Tel: 310/ 457-1165
Fax: 310/ 457-0993
E-mail Me.
Website: https://www.averi.com

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