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Free From Fear

Originally Published 10/29/2001


Dear Cyber Friends:

  I have received many calls from my wonderful clients asking what to do
with the fear and uncertainty they are experiencing during these turbulent
and changing times. I do not believe this is the end of the world, it is however, the end of the world as we know it.

  This is a time of powerful transition on the planet. It is only from the present moment in time that you can be certain that you are creating the future that you want. It is only from the present moment in time that you can heal the past and experience clarity, focus, the ability to hear your inner voice which is needed more than ever to communicate to you real personal danger, and to help you make wise choices.

  To heal yourself from fear, anger, depression, loneliness, it is important to stay grounded in the now, in the present moment in time. We only have the now – the past is gone and the future is coming. When you are in the present moment in time, you are safe. It’s when you project yourself into a scary future or painful past that you feel the anxiety, pain and fear. In the present moment, there is only peace within, which is so needed to be projected into your lives at this time.

  It is only from the now that you can love and be loved. It is only from the now that you can release fear of death and dying.

  This is the time to take the next right step in your life and rely on the strength of your inner voice. Inch by inch anything is a cinch. Worry is 80% interest paid on monies never coming due. Instead of worrying, you can be a source of light and a beacon to those around you. As we approach the end of the year, this is not a time to give up your goals, but a time to get going.

  You can feel and experience the goodness which is flowing into humanity as you stand in witness to the miracle of humanity surpassing itself. Let thoughts of anger, fear, hate and separatism be shattered, never again to be as strong.

  The power of light, the power of love, the power of free will and the transformation that is possible at this time is the creation of the dream in your heart and in your soul. You can get out of your own way and let your blessings arrive, an especially important thing to do during times of great change. This is a revolution in the way of being human, a consciousness in which every person on the planet has the chance to be included and no one will be left out.

  At this time, your prayers, meditations and visualizations are intensified. Those you have loved and who have loved you and passed on before you are ready to join with you, to empower your prayers and dreams for love, peace and security for all humanity.

  I have personally created a mini-meditation to help you to be in the now and release your fears. So please,

Take a slow luxurious breath in, exhale out sharply.

Take another deep breath in, hold the breath 4 counts, then exhale out slowly.

Take another breath in, hold the breath 4 counts, then exhale out slowly.

  Visualize yourself standing in the center of a circle. This is your safe
power place. Watch as your circle turns to light and the sides of the
circle lift up around you, creating a cylinder of light with you in the center. You are building a cylinder of power and protection. Breathe deeply as you take in this energy. Feel the light flowing to and through you.

  Imagine this light gently moving through your inner being, up from your feet, slowly rising up your body, up to the top of your head. When ready slowly bring the light back down again, releasing the light through the soles of your feet, creating a grounding. Visualize your life as if you had no fear, only love.

  As you take in the energy of God’s peace, love, balance, harmony and protection, know you can come to this place anytime you are feeling fear and need to be reminded that you are safe, that you are loved.

Blessings of love, light and peace,


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