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What People Are Saying About Averi

My dear heart Averi,

Thank you for your blessings- they guided us so that this was the most spiritual of all past concerts. Thank you for being my guide in this lifetime. All of this was, for me, absolutely –HOLY- (invaluable does not go far enough).

Blessings to infinity, hugs of love

· I. Amadeah, 68 year old Musician/Singer, California & Vienna


You just amaze me. You are so introspective and yet worldly connected. How did a person like me get lucky enough to have a friend like you? You have a special gift for listening with your heart. Thank you.

· L. Lantz, 30 year old TV Director, NYC

I really liked this website. I met this incredible psychic years ago and had readings done by her a couple of times (unforgettable) and I own a few tapes of hers. So if (you) need a psychic, I would go to Averi.

· R. Koepfli, Pasadena, CA

I’m editing with the Ellen team on the Academy Awards. I’m so excited. Thanks for all of your help getting me in there.

· K. McEvoy, Editor

Dear Averi,

Thank you so much for your prayers, and for being you. You have helped us so much. Every time I need help, I seek for you… I am very thankful for you. It means so much to me and my family. You can’t imagine what you do for us.

· Ludy

Hi Averi,

I have to confess that you are completely right. There are more than two interviews in TNO. The one held on July 7th is the first one, in which I talked to the manager of the group and we both enjoyed the conversation. He immediately arranged the Human Resource interview which will be held on July 11th.

· Xiaoyun, 36 year old Physicist, Sweden & China

Dear Averi,

Thank you so much for the support during the job hunting period. Your reading helped prevent me from getting into the panic. As you said, I got the job and with my feet on the ground now and I see it.

Thank you so much. The start date on the contract is as you said, September 1st, 2006.

· Xiaoyun, 36 year old Physicist, Sweden & China

Dear Averi,

I send to you a big exhausted hug from this side of the world where the sun went to sleep to wake up in your part of the world, to smile at you and to tell you that the three girls in Berlin fell asleep peacefully and happy.

Thank you so much for the talk that we had yesterday. I am so happy that you keep focused on my life, in the times that I have a hard time focusing. Everything seems so much better and calmer and I know it is because of the help that you keep sending me! …thank you for your unending help and support and ongoing strength and belief in me. This was so important to me, and it is so important that I do not know how to thank you. But, believe me, if there are guardian angels (and there are) you are the big star in the universe who sends them out to where they are needed the most. I thank you so much for everything you have done since I’ve known you and since I’ve met you…

It is so great talking to you. I could go on forever. Thank you for everything, your time, your spirit, your humor and your so so interesting and positive input in my life!

Thanks for your Biiiiiig loving help!

· I.P., 47 year old screenwriter, Italy

Hi Averi,

I loved talking with you. I always have a renewed, fresh outlook.

· Monroe, 78 years old, Healthcare, Alabama


Thank you for always being there and always believing in me, even when I didn’t.

· Christine

Dear Averi,
Thank you for the conversation we had the other night/day.
I often think of it - as always.
Foremost I thank you for giving me hope and strength to get through this time of heaviness. Believing in the good and light bright side of mine and the girl's future and the present!!!! : )
Love, I

  • I. Peichl, 42 yrs old, Set Designer, Paris & Los Angeles, CA

Hi Averi,
I just wanted to say thank you. You came to me in a dream the other night with a message and you did some healing work on me. I was in Mexico with my family for some needed rest.
Love, V

  • V. Leboffe, 33 yrs old, Psychic Detective, Atlanta, GA

Dear Averi,

Your reading today was like full body armor. It kept me safe from a day that wanted to toss me good and hard. I know I had it coming, but still. You saved me from some ugly injury. Enough of that, already. Tonight, I actually feel pretty darn good. Thank you. I can't believe we figured out the smoke thing! The pieces keep falling into place. Much needed new places. And I think I'm beginning to see a very different picture than the one that has been rattling around in my head these past many, many months. Making no sense and causing me to mark out new room for crazy. I feel clear headed and clear sighted. Actually, I guess the latter is you. You really ARE good at this. You're kind and gentle with your insights. I appreciate that sort of delivery. I can HEAR it. I can't believe I feel so much better! I guess that's letting go. And, of course, you're prayers. And, too, your encouragement to trust myself - my own solid hunches. You're suggestion that I create some happiness in my life didn't fall on deaf ears. (I could hear you shrug your shoulders at the end there.) A favorite saying of mine - suffering does not necessarily ennoble. And another - choose life. Why would I knowingly continue to pursue suffering - and darkness - in my own life or in the lives of others, all the while hoping for something noble and fine to magically spring out of it? Don't know. I think I'll stop. Thank you, again, for helping me. I also loved the newsletter about the whale. I sent it around the day I received it and it made a bunch of people happy.

Love, D

  • D. Malone, 36 yrs old, Screenwriter, Manhattan, NY

You are more than generous in my times of desperation and have no where to turn. I go to the meditations or affirmations. Someone like you that cares about people regardless of their financial situation is so kind you are so compassionate and really wish the best for all of us in pain. I think you see suffering as a growing experience even though I see it as a failure and want out so you are a life coach. Thank you.

  • J. Weiss, 54 yrs old, Investment Banker, Fullerton, CA

Averi, you were so right, I ended up getting a job for MTV, it was only a two day shoot but it was incredible.

  • J. Barlette, 31 yrs old, Director's Assistant, Los Angeles, CA

Averi -
The reading you gave me not only put my mind at ease, but helped my family put things into perspective, take things a little more seriously, and also put their minds at ease that at the very worst, my brother has a difficult legal battle ahead of him but that our fears of never seeing our nephews and Jill again are a little far-fetched.
I know your time is valuable and I was grateful that you were able to help me so generously, so thank YOU!

  • K. Rensing, 33 yrs old, Veterinary Assistant, Frankfort, Germany

Thank you very much for your honest but gentle guidance and support. You were a big help to me at a confusing time. You are wonderful and many Blessings to you!!
Love, M

  • M Park, 43 yrs old, Owner, Import/Export Business, Anchorage, AL & San Francisco, CA

Hi Averi,
Well I am free at last!!!!! We closed on the building on the 6th of April. What a load off my mind and a lot of thankfulness. Everything went very smooth with the closing. I am grateful for all your help I just wanted to say thank you.

  • C. Wright, 37 yrs old, BMW Sales, Seattle, WA

I spoke with averi 10 years ago. I had just moved to a new home and my cat was upset and I lost him. It had been a week that he was missing and I was distraught. I saw Averi's name in an astrology magazine and as a last desperate move I called her. the house I moved into was new to me and I did not know my way around it that well yet. averi told me my cat was in the cellar. I said I looked in the cellar three times he is not there. she then described my house the window my cat went into how the window was broken the shape of the way the window was broken and said he is in the cellar go look now if you don't he will die. I hung up and went downstairs to the cellar opened the cellar door and sitting there was my Donald I was so relieved and happy to have that cat in my arms again. a sad ending did happen two years latter. averi told me that same day that my cat had stomach problems and he would not live much longer two years later he died of stomach cancer. she is really the second psychic that I have ever found to be really psychic and I have been to many.

  • P. Belli, 45, Physician Assistant, Hartford , CT


Averi, I want to tell you that you have helped me SO MUCH! You most definitely have a unique talent. You've somehow, in one hour, reminded me how to be myself and operate out of my own power to do so…. I know your intuitiveness is amazing but more importantly, you've reminded me of my OWN power to create my OWN life and happiness, unrelated to whatever may or may not happen… it's up to me… I knew that but suppose I forgot for a bit.


  • S. Cooney, 29 yrs old, owner, greeting card company & artist, Cambridge, MD


Hi Averi,

Thanks for the reading:-)) Not only was it very accurate, but it also shed some very important light upon the situation with my dad. I left a voicemail on Ron's answering machine after speaking with you - like you said, now I can say I did my best with regard to my family situation. I really appreciate your wonderful guidance, and much needed validation of who I am. Your readings have been the best personal investment I ever made. Since you have answered all of my questions I may not need another reading for awhile, but I will keep you posted on my dad's condition and, of course, Liz and Marina. I'm looking forward to staying in touch.** My dad just called to say that his pain subsided enough to allow for a good sleep last night. Something tells me this was due to the healing you sent him, and for that I'm very grateful.

Love and blessings,

  • E. Smith, 33 yrs.old, Psychic, Better Business Bureau, Canada

Dear Averi,

Thank you for supporting me on this new path. I really owe my courage to embrace the spiritual aspects of healing animals to you. I am so grateful for your help.

With love,

  • A. Volkenburg, 34, Pet Psychic and Veterinarian, Los Angeles, Ca

I have changed thanks to you and just wanted to say thanks.

  • D. Faichnie, 36, Web design, Fort Lauderdale, FL

Thanks to your advice about advising my brother about Dad's worsening condition, he came by to visit him in the hospital on the 11th.

I also took heed of your advice about marketing effectively and am working on designing business cards to include with it.
God Bless,

  • E. Smith, 33 yrs old, Psychic, Canada

Thank you for the call. Two days after you called I went for a luncheon date with my daughter and things are good with us and I know it was because of your prayers.

I can't thank you enough.

Take care & again thank you.

  • B. Mastin, 45 yrs old, Self employed, Tustin, CA

"Averi Torres is undoubtedly the most accurate psychic I have ever seen, and I would be proud to recommend her to anyone. Her spirituality is clearly evidenced by her love for, and commitment to, her clients. She walks the walk."

With love and blessings,

  • E. Smith, 33 yrs. old, Psychic, Canada

Averi and her psychic energy has affected both of us in a tremendous way. My acting career is approaching Hollywood. Better yet, my associate Lubna Kahn has gone through a life changing process. We're both on our way to a better life.

We are thinking about you.

  • K. Brisson, 28 yrs old, Lawyer, Phoenix, AZ

With regards to the Earthquake today; - You predicted it!

  • I. Sperling, 61 yrs old, Sr. VP Trade Publications, Sherman Oaks, CA


Loved your site. Sally Vickers forwarded to me the e-mail/article on your election predictions. One of my friends has done extremely well with one of the stocks that you mentioned. Would you please add me to your newsletter list? Thank you.

  • Cschoemaker

Hi Averi,

I just wanted to say thank you for your guidance in reading on Friday. You were very insightful and kind. I am taking your advice and sent that email. Johnny has contacted me. You gave me great hope and guidance. I look forward to speaking with you again soon. Thanks,

  • S Russell, 37 years old, Sales, Trenton, NJ


Thank you so much for your guidance and sight. Where would we be without you?--don't want to know. I forgot to tell you Rana says hi. I will keep a good thought.

  • Kim H., 55 years old, business owner, Marietta, Ga

Thank you, thank you, thank you! If anybody needed this it is me. At my lowest in many years, having to give up my only love, suffering the after effects of a very painful shoulder operation and being so upset about what is going on in this world, I could cry for the first time in a long time.


  • Muki, 62 years old, Artist, Manhattan, NY

Thank you so much Averi for changing my life. You have given me the tools that I need to succeed. I am learning through meditation and affirmations balance, grounding and focus to achieve my goals for success and most importantly happiness!!! I  cannot thank you enough!

  • A. Fender, 25 years old, Actress, Malibu, CA

Dear Averi,

Thanks so much for your prayer help about my career transition which is long overdue. Things are working out right on schedule! I'm leaving my job w/ almost 2 weeks notice and going to scenic arts school for one week. I really want to help others also by my actions. Your insights have been so valuable in just a short period of time. I'm really getting un-stuck!!

  • D. DeSanto, 54 years old, Artist, NY, NY


Thank you very much. Never forgot your words about the man in my life being toxic. The night I spoke with you, he came after me w/a fireplace poker and threatened to kill me. That was back in 1996. Finally, in 1997, I had him removed for good. I'm happy, free, but am mindful and careful that he isn't able to track me. Continued success to you. Peace and light.

  • J. Trancus, 35, Asst. Manager, Atlanta, GA

Hi Averi,

Thanks for your reading last week. I have something very spooky to report to you. I remember you telling me not to lose my car keys. I took extra care and precaution to make sure I was keeping good track of them, but it seems it was in deed fated to happen. Yesterday they were missing, and they still are today. I have looked everywhere, including under the couch  cushions, where I did find the piece of paper that I jotted down notes on from our conversation - there at the bottom of the page it said "DONT LOSE YOUR KEYS" - and there I was looking for them. If there's any vision or voice that comes to you telling me where I left them or how to get them back, please let me know       : )

  • Frusterated, but entertained, with many thanks,
    C. Day, 22 years old, actress/director music videos, Beverly Hills, Ca

Ironically, I had a talk with Ralph today and I ended our relationship. I was on the phone last night with him and he put me on hold for another call.I just had a feeling that he was talking to another girl and I was right. He admitted to me today that he was talking to a girl he just met. So I told him that it bothered me and since I felt that way that I shouldn't see him anymore to avoid me getting any more. He said he felt awkward like he had to apologize, but I reassured him that it was all me and that he has been honest from the beginning about not wanting as committed relationship. I cried a little and spoke with friends to help. You were right...he wasn't the one for the long haul. I just feel like I connected with him.

  • T. Friklen, 29 years old, Actress, Hollywood, CA

Thank you for your prayers, a day or two after your prayer, I got a job. Now I have two and my worries should be over soon. Thanks again.

  • Nancy

Dear Averi, Thank you again for taking time to listen to my problems. The conversation with you yesterday, has opened a door of hope and gave me a inner peace..   Thank you for being the Messenger Angel of Love and Peace. Thank you and I will talk to you soon.

  • Jean-Pierre

Thank you so much for the reading you gave me today - it certainly helped set my mind at rest regarding a few issues and left me with so many more questions which I believe I am meant to be asking .. this is not a time for me to sit back - its a time to expand into the unknown and dip my toes in the many waters I have access to ... so in short you have motivated me to get of my +*& and make things happen. You are really a very kind person - whose energy was a pleasure to be in the company of...

Bless you. I'll certainly let you know what happens at the doctor on Friday. With love

  • L. Taylor, 34 years old, horse breeder, Pacific Palisades, Ca.

I enjoyed meeting with you yesterday.  The internet business that my boyfriend and I were about to invest in proved to be a really bad investment and we took your advice and passed on it.  You saved us a lot of money and grief. Your other insight about my daughter’s boyfriend also came to pass- He was caught cheating on her and it is over.

  • B. Bundy., 43 year old Entrepreneur, Los Angeles, California

Thank you, I know you are really happy for me and that you had a hand in all this.  Whoever would have thought when we first started talking that I would ever be as happy as I am now.  I will be going out on that book tour and when I do, I can finally meet you in person; I can’t wait.

  • L. Kay., 50 year old Writer, Boston, Massachusetts

Some important decisions are coming up and I would love your guidance.  So far you have been right on the mark about many things.  Your input always helps.  

  •  Barbara Ann., 33 year old mother, Oklahoma

I just wanted to confirm to you the deep soul connection I feel towards you and that your wisdom has added so much meaning to my life.

  • J. Steven., 41 year old surgeon, Century City, California

I am on a new path moving forward to a new place with the best and most interesting advisor guiding me.   Thank you for helping me see a new beginning and a place to go …

  • B. Sandor., 24 year old actress, Malibu, California

I am just about to go to Paris, Barcelona, Athens, and Rome and I wanted to send you a postcard because, I wouldn’t be here if you hadn’t told me what a wonderful time I would have…. Which, I am.

  • C.S., 20 year old student, Boston, Massachusetts

In 1987 you did a reading for me, on the radio which I taped and it was (and became) absolutely true.  Your energy was so great.  I am now a minister of church of religious Science in San Francisco and just wanted to thank you.

  •  J. Stone., 53 year old Minister, San Francisco, California

God bless you.  I wanted you to know that I was in a bad accident last November and just finished first set of surgeries.  I have to say, you were a large part of my living through the accident.  Of course the rest of the credit went to GOD.  

  • D. Janz., CEO-Fortune 500 Company, Chicago, IL                                   

Thank you so much for the beautiful reading.  It has touched and healed a very real pain I am feeling.  I wish you all the love you give…back to you! You are a wonderful person and an incredible clairvoyant.

  • D. Schon., 38 year old Police officer, Los Angeles, California

Averi, you really helped to clear my mind and get me on the right track.  You feel like a very good friend, but one with all the right answers

  •  A. Janie., 32 year old boat captain, Miami, Florida

I just wanted to thank you for the wonderful reading.  I feel a huge weight has lifted off my back.  It’s so interesting that after I came back to work today I was told we will get our year-end bonuses, and we had been told prior, there would be no bonuses this year.  So, you were right and the money did appear for me, which more than covers all my debts.

  • S. Hinshaw., 41 year old accountant, Houston, TX

Your last reading was so extremely helpful to me at a time I needed a lot of help!  You were remarkably patient, kind, and honest.  I navigated through the trauma to arrive at a calmer more beautiful place and your advice was the factor that made this possible.

  • K. Peyed., 34 year old doctor, London, England

It looks like you were right about the Microsoft stock.  My local psychic back peddled a little and now agrees with you.  I bought your recommendation of Ramhus at 46 last week and the very next morning it was up $ 20 share, Thanks!  I plan to sell in a week.  You were right on!

  • L. Beijant., 40 year old engineer, Scottsdale, Arizona

Since our last appointment several things have occurred as you said they would.  I have moved, my dog is well and I have a new job working for Swiss Army as you said I would.  Because of your advice I did not hesitate. I am now so much happier, more relaxed and much more financially sound.  Thank you so much

  • R. Shiff., 31 year old sales and marketing manager, Hollywood, California

We talked in May and I am so excited because everything you said has actually happened.  Keep up your wonderful work. 

  • I. Wright., 35 year old studio executive, Burbank, California

Dear Averi,

Good News: I have a tentative offer from a lab at Berkley.  The work seems very interesting and they are collaborating with a biotech company.  By the way, I spoke to the professor on the phone on Dec. 29th about the project and about working there for one year starting by March 1.  So, I did find my job by December after all, like you said.  Thanks again, hoping to talk to you soon.

  • Anna Keernan., 39 year old Bio physicist, Berkley, California

I think that your site is truly positive, when browsing through the internet, one without realizing it, is actually looking for an answer to a troubled mind.  So thank you for filling my day with light and hope.

  •  Dotty Veners.,

My reading was fulfilling and very true.  Thanks

  • Ann Potter., 26 year old wife and mother, Kansas, Nebraska

I had the pleasure of speaking with Averi at the end of 1998.  My conversation with Averi was Enlightening to say the least.  After 13 years of being single she predicted I would casually be introduced (by a friend) to a future partner, naturally after 13 years of being single who would have believed? After a month or so I was indeed introduced to a gentleman at a party in my own home and 6 weeks later I was engaged to be married!! Thank You Averi, your predictions were all right on.

  • R. Barr., 45 year old television producer, Paris, France

Well, you predicted this.  We are under alert.  All seems well except my nervesJ Anyhow, I know we just had a reading but could you fit a fifteen minute one in for me?  The lines are down but should be up soon?! Thank you.

  • Barbara Michaels., 32 year old IRS agent, Washington, D.C

I was surfing the net and imagine my surprise when I came across your great web page.  I hope you remember me.  I was one of your clients several years a go and had a “thing” for twin actors.  I have grown up very spiritually and sometimes surprise myself at how intuitive I am.  I have you to thank for this since you showed me the tools that I had and should be using.  I am now working for a movie producer at Universal Studios, have a great relationship with my children and have many wonderful people in my life.  Although if I won the lottery, my life would be easier, but then whose wouldn’t? Take Care and God bless.

  • M. Berk., 38 year old script girl, Hollywood, California

Dear Averi,

I was fortunate enough to obtain a reading from you yesterday.  I just wanted to let you know that the information you presented has given much comfort and thought.  BUT Most of All, I wanted to thank you for making me feel so much better not only on an intellectual level but an emotional one.  You have a natural warmth and caring that is felt many miles away.  You make each person feel unique and appreciated.  The attention and affection you presented me yesterday is still with me today.  I am grateful for your blessings. 

  • Jo Ann B., 34 year old executive, Hollywood, California

I wanted to thank you for your feedback on the blue green venture.  We met with the people involved and found that indeed his numbers were inflated, just as you mentioned.  The deal feels a lot more comfortable at this point in time as it seems much more realistic.

  • D. Levine., 43 year old medical technician, Denver, Colorado

I read your “Affirmations to change your life.” And an amazing thing has happened to me.  I managed to write a scientific publication of more than 30 pages in less than 2 days.  I reached a level of intelligence which is far beyond average.  The strange thing about it is that I just couldn’t control my own thoughts.  They went too fast.  It was as if the words were not written by me, but by some super- consciousness or super intelligence hidden deep inside me.  An enormous sense of power began crawling upon.  It was as if, all of a sudden, I completely understood mankind and the history of human behavior.

  • J. Vanderber., Law Professor, Akhen, Germany

Hi Averi,

I wanted to thank you for your insight in contacting my deceased father.  I feel as though you were right on the money with this.  I will be visiting your website and again, I appreciate the feedback.

  • T. Clark., 36 year old entertainer, Toronto, Canada

Hello Averi,

You’ve helped me reach my goals in a big way.  I literally “let go” and trusted the Lord through YOU!  This is what the Lord used you as an instrument for.  You could write a book about me and the monumental things you sorted through for me, throwing out the bad vibes, the hurt and pain.  You LITERALLY put me on the road BACK to success I thought I would never ever enjoy again.

  • R. Tony., 30 year old owner of Public Relations firm, Charlotte, North Carolina

The feeling that I had every time I drove from your home to my house after our readings together is without doubt one of the most peaceful, serene and truly high feelings that I have experienced.  The other was the first time I looked into the eyes of my daughters.  I hope all is well with you.  You have been, and continue to be, such a blessed influence in my life.  Just knowing that there is another human being who actually understands me – good and bad – and who cares more than judges, has helped me and given me the courage to continue on my life’s path innumerable times.  For this, Averi, you have my undying love and devotion.  I wish I could give back to you as much as you have given to me over the years.

  • B. Greene., 39 year old CPA, Malibu, California

This is so funny – I had a consultation years ago with Averi and she really helped me a lot with the passing of my mother.  I am really happy that others have found out about her.  If you have anything weighing heavy on you, call her.  She also helped my husband and I heal our relationship, believe me, this lady is really a miracle worker!

  •  AOL, Message-board Posting

WOW _ this is really neat! I also had a consultation with this futurist and have my business on track through the year 2000; my wife on the other hand, now has a better handle on our daughters and their relationships.  My son was only interested in lottery tickets and received numbers but in the lightness of playing…I’ll let you know how much he wins!  The range of information and insights we received has given us alot of courage to leap some major hurdles ahead without fear – why wait…contact Averi Torres site now.  She really is the best.

  • AOL Message-board Posting

This is terrific to be able to share with others how much Averi has changed my life for the better.  I really did have it all but still wasn’t happy…money really doesn’t buy happiness but money bought me a reading with this futurist and she showed me the work I needed to do to fully step into my power, get the love of the man that I wanted, and start to enjoy my money and my life….also, she gave me a few stock market tips which always brightens my day!  This is a unique and powerful experience that I would suggest to anyone who wants influence over their life! You’ll love me for this :>)

  • AOL Message-board Posting

If you are in Malibu, this is the best way to top off your vacation – and if not in Malibu, you can call Averi by phone and she will make your day!  I have had several readings with her and she really is legit – you will love it!  Her site is  Tell her I said hello.  Horizon Loveland, Palm Springs, CA.

  • AOL Message-board Posting

I was in Malibu and had a session with a psychic/futurist by the name of Averi Torres and it was outstanding!!!! I feel like I really did get a tune-up and am ready to go the next 100 miles (of life).  She motivated me, gave me clarity and wisdom on how to change the direction of my life and my relationships – I immediately applied what I learned and got the response I was hoping for – it works!!!!! I intend to follow with telephone consultations – this lady is awesome.  Don’t usually respond to message boards but have to share her with you.  Check out her website at

  • AOL Message-board Posting.

Thank you for your insights the other day.  Sometimes you really surprise me! I had not even been considering China—but suddenly it seemed like such a good idea: and that is all due to you.  It IS a good idea.  So, thanks… it is always FUN to talk to you, I almost always come out of the conversation feeling understood and refreshed and energized.   Our last conversation both reassured me that I am on the right path AND gave me some insights and advice that will result in Action! Good Actions! I also thank you for your prayers.

  • L. Kaplan., 45 year old Choreographer, Hollywood, California

The advice you gave me regarding the attorney was “right-on”. After 29 years, it was hard for me to believe he could look at me straight in the face and lie about our finances.  Although, I’m proud to say “I tried”; now it is time to move on!

  • A. Robinson., 37 year old financier, New York, New York

Averi, I got the internship, thanks for giving me the boost I needed!  You are fabulous, thank you SOOO much.  You’re the greatest.

  • K. Hey., 21 year old Student, New York, New York

Thank you for all your help to me.  Since we started talking my life has changed and Friday when I walk on stage I will give you a special moment of gratitude in a special way.  I will have love in my performance and touch others the way you have touched me, I am so grateful.

  • R. Denner., 27 year old actress/singer, Malibu, California

We are blessed to have you in our lives.  To us, you are a friend, a counselor and confidant.  We are really privileged to have you to give us advise with love and understanding.  You are a very special person.  You enrich our lives in countless ways.

  • June and Jack Dahlia, 38 year old/ Landscape developer, Silver Spring, Maryland

Dearest Averi, I just wanted to say thank you again.  Thank you for sharing your gift with me.  Today was the lighting of the torch in my life.  Let the games begin for this gold medal winner.  As soon as we hung up, I called Berni and we connected.  Second blessing of my day.  Thank You

  • Bernadette Wall., 45 year old graphic designer, Palmdale California

Dear Averi, Thank you for your terrific reading for me.  The hearing that followed was disappointing as the judge would not decide until he had doctors’ reports on my son and I.  These were obtained , and at the second hearing he gave me back my son William, and said it was clear to him that the whole thing had nothing to do with the welfare of my son, but was rather a fight over power and money.  So all turned out well.  My property sold, so I had the money to pay for all these things, and I moved to a new place.  I’ll call you again for insight. Averi you are a delight.

  • Susan Deincort., 42 year old army General, Winter Haven, Florida

Averi, as you can see the impact you have on others is staggering… Once again, thanks for your valuable input, although as you already know, this is going to be a particularly hard one.  However, I can do it!  It was great speaking to you again! With Love.

  • Ann Doors., 40 year old, journalist, Boulder, Colorado

Averi, Thanks again for the reading and “pep” talk.  This process is wonderful and so effective in moving blocks.

  • Joanne McFarlane., 50 year old teacher, Pasadena, California

Dearest Averi, The event was all that you predicted, truly the experience of a lifetime. There was almost a total presence of good will in the ballroom, except for my former tenant. None of this would have been possible without all of your guidance and support.  Thank you so much for helping to make this weekend such a special event and for enhancing the very quality of my life.  Warmest of personal regards.

  • Sandy Tate., 47 year old judge, Washington D.C

Averi, all your predictions came true and your guidance and guiding light helped so much during our time of darkness.

  • R.P., 36 year old businesswoman, Mexico City, Mexico

I have been telling everyone how unbelievably accurate you were in what you told me a couple of years ago. Everything, and I do mean everything, you told me came true as you said it would.

  • G.W., 30 year old wife/mom/songwriter, Beverly Hills, California

Averi, thank you so much for your guidance. I did as you suggested to get the part and have just signed the contract for a lead part taping in N.Y.C.

  • J.L.C., 28 year old actor, Vancouver, Canada

Your positive energy and encouragement are invaluable and a fundamental catalyst for change and improvement. In addition to citing future events and potentialities, you go a step further and insightfully offer practical suggestions and tools to accelerate growth and increase well being.

  • C.D., 40 year old actress/writer/producer, Malibu, California

Working with you is one of the most powerful things I’ve ever done -- it seems like you have created an enormous quickening in my life and I now move forward with less fear, greater confidence and a deep sense of knowing.

  • L.V. 47 year old physician, Rome, Italy.

Averi, you are my professional fairy Godmother -- thank you for holding my vision for me until I was ready to take it and create it!

  • S.T., 49 year old businessman, Tokyo, Japan

Your reading was food for my mind and nourishment for my soul.

  • J.G., 82 year old, retired educator, Pacific Palisades, CA

Averi, your consistently accurate perception and advice has helped me grow tremendously in my business and personally through the years. You are a truly gifted psychic and I feel blessed to share your gift.

  • D.S., 55 year old Stockbroker, New York, NY

Site is wonderful. Averi has been a blessing for me. Her readings are
insightful, helpful, and reassuring!  Thanks Averi for everything!

  • B.S.T., Full Time mom, 36 years old.

You are an awesome person, Averi. I believe very deeply in prayer and your reading was wonderful it was well worth the wait. Your insights and your web page are wonderful and they speak to me of what a truly wonderful person you are. Peace and love and light -- talk to you again soon.

  • C. Amir., 40 year old Lawyer, NY, New York

Averi, thanks so much for all your great insight. I'm so glad that I made the decision to talk to you. You can be sure that I will call you again (and again, and again...) You already feel like a good friend to me. Thanks for everything, I will keep you updated!

  • A. Alexander, 22
    College student, Berkley, Ca

Hi Averi,
Good news, my exam with the eye doctor was, in his words, "excellent", no surgery, as you predicted. The blur and double vision in my right eye improves daily. Many thanks Averi, I appreciate your input.

  • C. Geizer, 71
    Retired Librarian, Los Angeles, Ca

Dear Averi,
Wow... I find it hard to put a price on the advice you give to me. It is worth so very much... Apparently it is better than lawyers or trust advisors and certainly better than my friends can give me... It has served me well for years. I listen to you, you have never steered me wrong. You not only give me strength, but you restore faith in God that I so desperately need and sometimes forget. The single most important thing you do for me is to give me focus. Having A.D.D. and losing everything, family and money, I lack focus. You saved me from totally being cut off from my dad and you helped me thru the greatest loss of my life. With your wisdom, which I put all my trust into, I literally sailed thru that crisis. I really need you in my life Averi. Thank you for your time, again, it is valuable to me.

  • R. Ruth, 37
    El Paso, TX

I just want to drop a line to you to thank you for the positive influence you were to me yesterday. You were wonderful to talk to and I feel you are kind yet truthful. I am thinking of your guidance and hope to be strong in universal awareness and will work towards that. I hope to be a better person and to find more peace. Anyway, I may drop you a line in the future to let you know how things turn out. Peace to you and I appreciate the person you are.

  • J. Tenney , 44 ,
    GA , Information Technology

The above Testimonials and more are on file in our office

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