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AVERI's Metaphysical Recipes

AVERI created mini-meditations for her radio show on KFOX. They had an incredible impact -- the power, energy and presence astounded us all. People reported amazing results, so we decided to share a few of those metaphysical recipes or mini-meditations on our site. You can feel AVERI's love as you meditatively gaze upon the silent screen, gently scrolling through the text and gazing at the image.

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We'll add new Metaphysical Recipes, so stop by often to repeat the magic or to explore new horizons.  Subscribe to our newsletter and we will notify you of changes and additions to our site.

Explore Averi's collection of full meditations on tape and MP3s.

Sample: Imagine you are standing in a meadow, a wide open meadow with beautiful wildflowers surrounding you. You start running, one foot in front of the other and then -- it’s as if a wind picks you up and you find yourself flying, soaring like an eagle, higher and higher. You throw open your arms, like wings, spreading them wide and the wind lifts you, carries you aloft. Allow yourself this moment of peace, of freedom, of quiet, at one...
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