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The Golden Seed of Abundance

Originally Published 3/14/2002


Dear Cyberfriends,

      Can you believe Spring is here?  The Vernal Equinox is March 21.  Passover and Easter are around the corner.  This is a great time for me to thank all of you for the loyalty and incredible support you give me and my organization and a wonderful time for me to remind you to renew your commitment to your goals.  My clients are aware that this is an important time in our seasonal cycle, a time for renewal of passion.   Strong and somewhat intense energies are sent to earth at this time to give you greater support, making your way easier if you act with wisdom.

     The Vernal Equinox is a time when night and day (darkness & light) are equal in duration, making this a powerful time to manifest onto the physical plane whatever you are holding in your minds eye, in your heart and in your soul.

     I have a gift I created for you – a meditation which will help you create greater love and more abundance.  Take some time with me now to plant the seeds of what you want to sprout in your life.   

Take a deep luxurious breath in (counting to 4) and exhale out slowly. 

Take another deep breath in and exhale slowly.

And now one more breath in, the breath is your conscious connection with the divine force, and exhale out slowly. 

Keep breathing slowly and gently as you envision yourself in a garden, the flowers starting to bloom, butterflies abound, birds chirping, blue sky above with puffy white clouds floating overhead. 

Feel the ray of sunshine beaming down and around you.  Enjoy its warmth.  

As you take in the beauty of this garden, you notice a golden seed. 

Pick up the seed, put it in your mouth, it will go down easily. 

Feel yourself becoming light and bright, tingling, radiant from within. 

You are fully aglow. Take a deep breath in and enjoy this wonderous feeling. 

This seed is a gift from Spirit and contains the ingredients you need for greater love, success, confidence, fulfillment and happiness. 

Take one more deep breath in and when you exhale, return to present time, fully grounded and eager to spring forward with more renewed enthusiasm and passion, carrying and sharing greater love and more light.


Thank you for sharing my message with a friend!


I send you and your family many loving wishes for a Happy Passover and a glorious Easter season.

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Meditation tapes by Averi can be found at  and complimentary meditations can be found at


With blessings of bliss, fulfillment, affluence, and love,


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