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A Chant for Peace Dear Cyberfriends,
The date 11.11.02 is a very important
astrological and numerological date to focus energy on world
peace. The following email was sent to me by a friend and I
wanted to share it with all of you and invite you to
join with me in the Global Chant Day for World Peace.
Love and Blessings to you all,
Global Chant Day for World Peace
Let us Unite in Divine Intention for World Peace
through Chanting: OM SHANTI
11:11 - 11:11
Beginning at 11:11
pm Sunday 11.10., and lasting until 11:11 pm Monday 11.11.
(All times relative
to your own time zone.)
Chanting may be
done in any way one chooses: individually or in groups. Unite in
groups of 12 where possible - with the Divine Supreme One Being
as the Sacred Mystic 13 - the Dorje - the Great Hub.
The Goal being
simply to set up a Harmonic Overtone Waveform of Conscious
Intended Vibrations of Peace throughout the World for All.
Although it is for the
very few among us to concentrate solely on the Peace Chant
during this entire 24 hour period, most of us will be fully able
to keep focused on this while we go about your daily chores. You
can for example use a discman with your choice of music for the
Peace Chant when going to work or school, and again during lunch
break, etc. Also, it is important to keep a heightened focus at
the three intervals of the beginning of the Peace Chant at 11:11
pm on Sunday when the Intention for Peace is being initiated,
and during the middle and end phase at 11:11 am and 11:11 pm on
Monday - when the vibration of Peace is being fortified and
expanded by us as One. 11:11 is a perfect combination of Master
Numbers, and we are all expressing and applying our Mastery by
participating in The Global Chant Day for World Peace. Let us create a Pure Wave of
Peace and Wholeness that will be moving through all time zones,
and through our very Oneness embrace our planet in Peace.
By All of US CONSCIOUSLY INTENDING PEACE through the simple Process, - Method, or
Tantra of Chanting OM SHANTI
- Wholeness Peace via
'Unity in Diversity' we can make it known to All the Devas,
Mahadevas, God/Goddess, and all of the Galactic Federation
of Beings - All of the
We CHOOSE PEACE on this planet Earth; we
Claim it as our natural Right of Beingness. We
CHOOSE IT OVER ALL scenarios of greed and duality. We invoke the Presence of the DIVINE ONE emanating in All and through All to incarnate NOW, in All True leaders of Heart~Soul Consciousness throughout the World and Ask for Divine Assistance from the Devas, Mahadevas, Gurus, Lords and Angels to place All of THESE leaders in newly appointed positions of WORLD SERVICE for the Highest Good of All Concerned.
We CLAIM this
choice NOW!
{ Invocation }
The Law of One
If ONE is harmed, ALL are harmed.
If ONE is helped, ALL are helped.
Therefore by the I AM Presence within me which is ONE within ALL,
ONE with ALL the Gods and Goddesses, the Devas
and Mahadevas, the Angels, All the Ascended and Living Masters
and Saints,
I Ask for the Highest Good of ALL Concerned to
Manifest Now!
Peace, Peace, Peace
Suggested Music:
The Eternal OM by
Robert Slap
Ultimate OM by
Jonathan Goldman
various artists -
including Madonna's wonderful and energetic version - on her Ray of Light CD and many, many others. No favoritism here, just putting this as one truly great example - among many, being that on a mass scale - Madonna has brought this wonderful Chant into the World Mainstream, though it has been available by many devotees of Peace Worldwide. Simply find what Speaks to you. The important thing is to Connect where you Do, so do it easily and Go with the Inner Flow. Put the CD on Repeat of the song or chant and chant/sing along with it all day, if you can't sit and do a focused chant meditation. And just hold this Inner Positive Loving feeling of Peace for All. Remember there is Strength in numbers. There is a metaphysical Law - "That Where Two or More are gathered in My Name (Sat Naam) - the Nameless ONE there I shall be in the midst of Them."
Regardless of
one's specific path, by US Uniting through this specific chant of OM SHANTI we are setting a
Harmonic Frequency of UNITY- ONENESS with very focused
INTENTION. WE are stating as the ONE BEING that we choose PEACE and HARMONY. - We expect our
leaders to act accordingly, and we ask for Divine Assistance
from the Highest Spiritual Plane.
OM is Wholeness and SHANTI is Peace, clear and simple, and
sublimely Beautiful. OM
Please send this out to friends and loved
ones everywhere,
Shantidev Devaprem Irilan
Page by Irilan & Tron
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