
hope you have a Happy Thanksgiving and are entering a wonderful
holiday season ahead. This is a great time to focus on and
appreciate how far you have come in your growth. It is a time to
reflect on the love you have given and received. It is a perfect
time to acknowledge your efforts and to contemplate the power of
fearlessly having challenged your spirit to ever higher fulfillment.
It is a time for gratitude and appreciation for the love, joy, good
health and awareness that exists in your life.
The concept of limitless abundance is not always easy to grasp. We
tend to focus on what we don’t have instead of opening our souls
to the limitless energy that surrounds us and dwells within us; a
light always ready to manifest that which we desire at any given
moment. Your surroundings are a reflection of that which you have
projected from your soul.
If you focus on lack you minimize the light force creating
frustrating and unhappy experiences for yourself. You stifle the
creation of abundance in all areas of your life when you allow
feelings of unworthiness and doubt into your consciousness. When
envisioning a desire it must always be unconditional. You cannot ask
for more love while believing you lack deservability, a bigger and
better car while doubting your ability to pay for the gas, nor can
you wish for a better job, while lacking belief in your own
intelligence. The mixed signals you project will only manifest into
mixed experiences: love will appear but quickly disappear; Money for
a new car won’t materialize or that new and better job will fall
The universe does not understand lack. There is an overabundance of
everything that is good waiting for you. In its infinite wellspring
of love, the light knows only to create what is desired and asked
for. The only limits are the ones you set when you temper your
visions with fear and doubt. Create abundance for yourself by
reaching for the stars! The wondrous power of positive reinforcement
invigorates the soul and opens the gateway between you and the
endless bounty that awaits you. Show the universe that you are ready
to accept this bounty by gratefully allowing your soul to expand and
open itself to the profusion of love, joy, wealth and health that
exists for your pleasure. There is no need to limit yourself with
details and worries about how to get what you want. Have faith that
there is enough out there for everyone and what you need will be
The power in you that co-created this amazing universe will take
care of you. As you begin to envision clear desires, that power will
show itself in so many amazing ways. You will begin to receive
through channels that were previously blocked by negative thoughts.
Appreciation and gratitude will well up within you as you look
around you and witness the manifestations of your positive thoughts
materializing in your life.
The importance of appreciation and gratitude must not be underrated.
It is a gift to bless and appreciate the good things that you have
in your lives and the role that you played in creating them. Be
grateful for friendships, good health, work and the precious
relationships you do have.
this time of thanksgiving;
Make a list of 5 things you are grateful for and bless each one.
Make a list of 5 things you want to change or create and give
thanks, this will be done.
you focus on what is good and wonderful in your life you will
magnify and multiply it. You will energize it and attract more of
the same to you. Take this time to acknowledge the power and light
within your soul and all that results from it in your life. So much
can be accomplished by remembering that words and thoughts create
your world and the power to change your world is within you.
this day of Thanksgiving I am delighted to be alive and give thanks
for the light shining through me, given to me by God, without
following link will take you to an article in the Malibu Times
dated 1/1/04 wherein I predicted the Bush victory. If interested,
please check this out at
may also enjoy reading the newest stock prediction tribute at
For more information about the magical energy I share and how it can
help you, please contact my assistant Dave at 310 457-1165, or email
us and we will call you.
Please share this with your friends and loved ones!
Blessings of love, light, fulfillment and affluence,