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A Place of Lightness and Joy

The month of June is one of my favorite months with Summer Solstice on June 21st. Summer Solstice is the celebration of the longest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere, a day filled with the greatest amount of Light. There is a great sense of lightness, a letting go of the heavy work we have done so far this year, a time for fun and celebration of love. Once more we are poised at another turning point, another opportunity to check our spiritual compass and recalibrate our course and to do so from a place of lightness and joy.

This is the month known astrologically as Cancer, the nurturer – this is an important time to figure out what nurtures you. Many people drawn to metaphysics are nurturers, transmitters of light. However, do you know what you need to be nurtured? By allowing yourself to be nurtured you also learn how to give nurturing unconditionally, without strings and direct from your heart and soul, so it is beneficial to take the time to figure out what is the most nurturing thing you can do for yourself. As we nurture and nourish ourselves with soul wisdom and self love, we transform, we create space within ourselves for more Light to enter.

We are more deeply attuned to our soul’s wisdom (the work you have been doing is working - you have experienced flashes of illumination, ah-ha moments and the deeper long lasting illumination is trying to break through any barriers set up now. It is a time to express this wisdom to others – but to do so in a kind and thoughtful way. It is good to make sure the person receiving your wisdom wants to hear what you have to say. At this time speaking honestly about your feelings is helpful but always ask yourself if the wisdom coming through you is for the other person or is it a spiritual message you need to hear. Try not to judge yourself or another harshly as this aspect in the process of growing is challenging work. We are in a full moon and cardinal grand cross which causes extreme stress in relationships.

Cancer suggests that it’s time to savor life, socialize with like-minded souls and go on to the next level – the materialization of the spiritual. To do this work in the energy of Summer Solstice brings greater energy support from your partners, God/Goddess/all that is and the energy of Mother Earth, who are standing by awaiting your request for them to step into your life. The Solstice is a good time to call them into action.

On my birthday as most of you know, each year I spend much of the day in prayer and meditation usually at the ocean, though sometimes in the mountains. This year it will be the ocean. I find the water soothing, healing and a magnification of the visions I receive.

I have hundreds of special prayer requests as you can see on my Forums as well as from my clients and my own personal list as well. If you would like, you can go to my Prayer Request form and add your prayers on my homepage at, scroll down to the candle.

Why don't you join me? At your convenience on June 22nd, put a glass of water in front of you, a glass filled with water which has preferably been left out over night to receive spiritual vitamins, Hold the glass between the palms of both hands, close your eyes and ask Spirit to send Light down into the water. Next, sit with the glass in front of you and ask your request, speak your prayer, Is it love, better health, wealth, a good job, peace for the world, security for your children, take this opportunity to put it into motion. You will be amazed at how quickly you will get results - not like the last time, this time it is for real, you are ready! Take a breath, do not rush this.

Hold the glass of water high and say, “With love, I accept and join in the blessings that Averi is sending forth. I accept forgiveness for myself and others, love and the healing power of the Light. I accept abundance, prosperity and wealth. This water is a symbol of the spiritual essence, channeling love, and magic, healing and awakening more of my personal power, personal responsibility and spiritual wisdom and as I drink, I give thanks.”

And so we let it be.

For information about my readings and how, through my abilities to see the future, I can help you create your dreams and visions now, call my assistant, Dave at 310 457-1165 or email us at

Make sure you also check out the powerful meditation tapes and MP3 downloads. People who are using my meditations are reporting remarkable results.

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Blessings of love, light, fulfillment and affluence,



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