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Animal Spirit

To me, the kinship with all life is the awareness that animals have the same Spirit and Consciousness as humans. From this awareness arises the belief that it is possible to have a deep heart and spiritual connection with all animals. An animal will help you connect to your spiritual intuition and the kingdom of love is their domain. Loving an animal truly does awaken the soul.

This month my newsletter is a little different from the ones I normally send to you. I am forwarding an email I received from a client of mine and following it, a copy of her newsletter. She is a psychic veterinarian.

“Hi Averi,

Thank you so much for your support and faith in me. I am honored that you will share my newsletter with your subscribers.

The reason I became a veterinarian is simple: I wanted to help animals. I wanted to heal their bodies and souls. After practicing emergency medicine for five years, I became disillusioned with its results. I realized that modern medicine simply masks symptoms without addressing root problems of disease. While I was helping my patients temporarily get rid of discomfort, I knew I was not healing them.

I began toying with the idea of doing more than just giving shots and prescribing pills. I began exploring my psychic healing abilities. But I needed confirmation. And I knew it had to come from a renowned, highly esteemed professional. So I scheduled an appointment with the best of the best, Averi Torres , Malibu's Resident Psychic®.

In our reading Averi confirmed my psychic abilities and my healing talents. She gave me the confirmation I needed to fully embrace this new career path. And having Averi's support and encouragement, I knew I could not fail. I was very lucky to have Averi as my mentor”.

Thank you again, Averi
Love and light,

       Agnes Van Volkenburgh, DVM


Call me on my NEW Radio Show!

 “The Psychic Veterinarian”
Wednesday Sept. 28th WS Radio
 5-6 pm (Pacific Time)

 Do you have questions about your pet? Do you sometimes wish you had a crystal ball to get to the bottom of your pet’s problems? Do you ever wonder what your pet is thinking or feeling?

 Email me before the show or CALL-IN @ 888 327 0061 between  5-6 pm every Wednesday starting Sept. 28th so I can answer your questions LIVE on the show!

 Up-coming show topics for you and your pets: Compassionate Dog Training with the Dog Whisperer, Energy Healing, Nutrition, Aroma Therapy, Massage, Natural Cures and more....

 “For Pet’s Sake”

 By Dr. Agnes VanVolkenburgh

Did you know that animals in the wild rarely if ever get disease? Then why do our pets suffer the same illnesses we do, from cancer, heart disease and diabetes, right down to insomnia, allergies and obesity?   I believe the answer is two-fold...

For one, our pets are exposed to our stressful lifestyles. They cannot help but pick up our anxiety and worries, poor exercise habits, environmental toxins, excessive eating of processed foods and many other “modern day” factors that lower the immune system’s resistance to getting sick. But it is also because...

...animals are here to teach us love.

Our pets, in their ability to love us unconditionally, are closer to God and far more evolved than we are. They come into our lives to love us and to teach us to love the way they do. In doing so, animals often take on the consciousness and energy of their human companions. As they mirror our thoughts and feelings, they internalize them in their bodies and manifest the physical symptoms associated with them.

I saw this recently with a cat that had developed a sudden bladder problem. I questioned the owner to find out what was going on in the cat’s environment that might literally be an “irritant” to the second chakra, which governs the bladder. It turned out that her boyfriend had just moved in with them recently and she was having trouble adjusting to the situation. The cat’s body, in resonance with her owner, had manifested her ambiguity and distress.

The knowledge that the mind, body and soul must all be treated as a whole to bring about true healing is implicitly understood and practiced successfully in Eastern medicine. Even Western medicine is recognizing emotional stress as the key cause of a growing number of illnesses. Yet, veterinary medicine is only beginning to venture into this fascinating field.

It is my belief that the origin of all disease is spiritual. Healing must take place, first and foremost, on the spiritual level. Then harmony will be manifested in the body as total physical well-being. There are so many ways to heal your pet's mind, body, and soul. I will explore them in more depth in future newsletters.

Meanwhile, this month:

1.      Tune in and talk to your pet

Pay special attention to how your pet’s environment may be affecting them, positively or negatively. Become more attuned to their responses to people, sounds, certain foods, etc. Do emotions run high in the household? If so, make sure to take time out everyday to let the animals in your life know you much you appreciate and love them! 

You can convey this to your beloved pet simply by talking to them. Tell them how important they are in your life an how much you appreciate their love and devotion. As a special treat, take your dog for an extra long walk in nature this week to ground them and bring them into harmony with their own inner nature. Or spend an extra hour just "being" with your dog or cat, let him or her sit in your lap (or next to you, whatever works) and really focus on simply being with each other. You can try synchronizing your breath for an even deeper connection (they breathe faster than we, so don't try too hard to keep up, just do your best). You can experiment with many ways to connect: look into your pet's eyes, pet him or her, tune into their energy field. If you relax enough and quiet your mind, you might be able to telepathically pick up some of their thoughts! You will be amazed how immensely therapeutic this exercise will be for both of you. Your stress will literally melt away. And as our pets are so finely tuned in to our consciousness and energy, their wellbeing truly depends on ours.  

2. Meditate with your pet

If you have the time, practice relaxing with your pet.  Sit or lie down in a comfortable position, close your eyes and begin paying attention to your breath. Imagine each breath you take in filling our body with white light. As you feel the light melting your tensions, visualize your pet in his or her most relaxed, comfortable state. Imagine the white light filling their body and melting all the tension and stress they may have picked up from the hectic environment we live in. It is very likely that your pets will want to be right next to you as you do this exercise. The more you allow yourself to relax, the more your pet will benefit from this healing energy.

Enjoy! I look forward to hearing from you. Please let me know your experience with this relaxation technique.

Healing Your Pet

The premise of my business is mind / body animal healing. If your pet is not well, let me help.

I offer private, one-on-one sessions with you and your pet.  Each session includes several components:

  • First, I will use my intuition and veterinary training to identify the ailment.
  • Through use of my psychic ability, I will tune into your pet's energy, chakras, aura, and spirit guides, focusing on the root cause of your pet’s problem. 
  • Since your consciousness and your pet’s health are related, I will also communicate with your spirit guides/angels.
  • I will use the information I obtain to give you the insight as to what is ailing your pet, why it is happening, and most important, start your pet on the road to recovery.

How You Relate Matters

I believe that all disease originates in consciousness. I also believe that animals often take on the consciousness of their human companions (you). On their own, they are not capable of experiencing such emotions as stress, anxiety, or worry.

Because your pets are influenced by your thoughts and feelings, they also manifest the physical symptoms associated with them. I have worked with countless clients whose pets developed diseases associated with the specific mindsets and energy patterns of their guardians. In my years of practice, I have come to clearly understand that as our best friends, pets mirror our consciousness to help us grow and evolve.

Helping you, helping your pet...

Since animal disease is related to human consciousness, often their diseases can help us see and overcome our own issues. My personal one-on-one sessions are designed to help everyone involved.

Remember, our pets are a reflection of us. Oftentimes, if you change the way you relate to your pet, you can change the entirety of your companionship. This means resolving health problems and creating a more fulfilling and loving relationship.  

To get started on the road to recovery, please call (310) 966 0076 to schedule a private session.

What People Are Saying.....

Below are just a few of the nice things my clients have said about me after a session. The joy I bring pets and their guardians is truly the most fulfilling part of my work.

I would truly love to add you and your pet to this ever-growing list of success stories. If you have something to say, please contact me. I look forward to hearing from you!

"Your ability to zoom in on the problem and its cause it uncanny, it is amazing.”
 Nancy Porter,  San Francisco

"You are the first vet who was able to figure out what is going on with Fluffy."
Sheila Kaptain, Boston

 "I never realized that the things I do and say can make my cat sick, thank you for pointing it out and making me more aware."
Marianne Seldridge, Chicago

"I want to thank you for giving me such profound insight into Sammy, everything you said is true. I needed your help to understand Sammy and to help him get better."
 Keira Preston,  Santa Monica , CA

 "The information I got from you was the best gift I could ever receive."
Barbara Gianello, Los Angeles

Agnes Van Volkenburgh, DVM
Veterinarian, Clairvoyant, Psychic Healer

(310) 804 9064 cell
(310) 966 0076 office

The Psychic Veterinarian on wsRadio:



For information about my readings and how, through my abilities to see the future, I can help you create your dreams and visions now, call my assistant, Dave at 310 457-1165 or email us at

Make sure you also check out the powerful meditation tapes and MP3 downloads. People who are using my meditations are reporting remarkable results.

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Blessings of love, light, fulfillment and affluence,



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