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Graphology is the study of handwriting, the clinical science of examining specific characteristics of writing in order to create a personality profile of the writer.

Psychologists have conducted studies to compare personality profiles using traditional psychological testing and graphology. Consistently, the profiles were almost identical. With recorded accounts dating back as far as 1622, Graphology has been widely accepted and used as a legitimate tool in deciphering personality traits of individuals.

The brain is what controls handwriting, not the hand. Have you noticed that your handwriting changes depending on your mood – if you are stressed, tired, happy, anxious, bored, it is reflected in how you write. Your hand has not changed – your emotions and feelings have. Since emotions can be revealed in your handwriting, so can other aspects of your mind.

By analyzing patterns and strokes in a person's handwriting, one can gain insight and understanding into the subconscious mind of the writer.  Motivations, initiative, creativity, intellect, emotional responsiveness, fears, likes and dislikes, loyalty, integrity - these characteristics and more are portrayed in how a person writes.

Graphology is a valuable tool, and it is applicable in many areas.  The following are just a few examples:

  • Individuals to gain insight into their habits, strengths, obstacles, and best career path.
  • Couples to improve communication with and understanding of each other.*
  • Single people to help find a compatible mate.*
  • Employers to gain insight into the work ethic and habits of job applicants, or to aid in career counseling.
  • Teachers and counselors to better understand those in their care. 
  • Law enforcement agencies to investigate handwritten evidence.  
  • Courts for cases of forgery and in jury selection.

The energy on our planet is shifting and changing rapidly.  Time is a fleeting commodity.  It makes good sense to use all the tools available to quickly give you the insight and information you need to make wise choices and create your best possible future.  There is no need to repeat the mistakes of the past when you can read the handwriting on the wall!

For further information on graphology or the other services we offer to guide your personal growth, please call 310.457.3157 or email us:

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