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Soar & Manifest

A Mini-meditation for Manifestation

Imagine you are standing in a meadow, a wide open meadow with beautiful wildflowers surrounding you. You start running, one foot in front of the other and then -- it’s as if a wind picks you up and you find yourself flying, soaring like an eagle, higher and higher. You throw open your arms, like wings, spreading them wide and the wind lifts you, carries you aloft. Allow yourself this moment of peace, of freedom, of quiet, at one.

You notice ahead a billowy white cloud beckoning you to land, and so you do, dropping first your right foot, then left, achieving amazing balance, as you are perched atop the cloud, atop the world. Look around at the expansiveness caressing you, and take a deep slow breath in. Exhale out. Take another deep, luxurious breath and exhale out.

Now visualize something you want to create, see it clearly, in detail, in your mind’s eye. See it complete, in its finished form…See it done, and hold the image -- hold it, hold it… Then drop it through to earth, releasing it, detaching from it, letting it go with the knowing that what you want can and will be brought to you in even more perfect form.

Know that you do have the power to create your higher vision, dream, or ideal, and can do so with ease, love and fun. And so today you have made that commitment, and as you see the birds fly by, you remember you are a powerful loved being, who can soar to magnificent heights and live your dream. And so we let it be, with blessings of love and bliss.


Affirmations for Today

"I have the power to create my dream, and do so with ease and joy."


With blessings for bliss, fulfillment, affluence and joy,

Malibu's Resident Psychic®

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