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Whole Life Times

Malibu's Resident Psychic®

The walls of Averi's beach front Malibu home are covered with photos of her clients, many signed with glowing endorsements. Included in this impressive gallery are two recent U.S. presidents, senators, congressmen, Fortune 500 executives, film and t.v. celebrities and those whom Averi calls, "just ordinary people who are extraordinary to me." Averi has guided them all!

Averi Torres, well known as "Malibu's Resident Psychic", is a powerhouse of light and clear consciousness. For more than 30 years, she has used her enthusiastic wisdom to transform her client's lives, igniting the flame of power and love within their hearts and empowering them with laser-like, brilliantly clear guidance.

"Primarily, I am a teacher," she says, "teaching others to use their gifts to bring about what they want in their lives." Not surprisingly, among her client list can be found many other psychics and channels.

"During a reading," says one of Averi's long-time clients, "an energy transference takes place on multi-levels between Averi and the party being counseled and this energy continues to grow long after the reading has been completed."

Averi believes everyone is psychic. "Everyone has intuition," she says, "gut feelings, an inner knowingness. When you start listening to that inner voice, you have the ability to gain control over your life, to create good health, abundance, love and happiness in spite of the economy or outer circumstances."

Ten years ago Averi was inspired through a dream and with her husband Dennis, she founded "Angel Flight", a non-profit volunteer medical transportation service. Since that time, Angel Flight has been flying those in need to special hospitals and treatment centers to receive the life giving care they need; almost 700 such flights take place annually and no fees are charged.

Through both in-person and telephone readings Averi's insights reach around the globe. Her clients regularly call in from places like Hong Kong, Jakarta, Tokyo, Berlin, Alaska, Johannesberg, Sidney and Singapore. She believes we all have a direct connection with God/Goddess and that we all have the power to manifest our dreams. "Everyone on the planet is a child of God … I really believe that our psychic abilities are our inner radar system given to us by God to help us on the path of life. Averi moves you deeply within allowing the mysteries to be revealed and teaches you to balance the worlds of spirit and matter, to love and be loved and to consciously co-create your success and joy, which she believes are this lifetime's greatest lessons.

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